Inexpensive AND Quick Meals

Not all of us are blessed to eat like royalty on a regular basis.  As a matter of fact, many of us are always looking for inexpensive, but especially quick, meals to prepare for our families.  I grew up rather poor so we learned how to make foods, especially meats, go a long way.  We knew we had moved up when we started buying real milk versus powdered milk (we may as well have put water on our cereal at the point).

Throughout the life of my blog, I'm going to try to post as many quick, inexpensive recipes that I can. When possible, I try to cook healthy as well.  I avoid adding oils to my foods and strive to buy lean meats, but sometimes it's inevitable.  Every now and then, I get that greasy, fried food craving like everyone else and I'll break out the fryer.  Maybe I'll eventually share my chicken fingers/nuggets recipe.

The good thing is, vegetables are cheap.  Even if it seems weird to have a veggie on the side with a casserole, do it anyway.  I don't want to preach, but as parents, we are teaching our kids their lifelong, basic eating habits as soon as they start eating baby food.  Why do you think my kids eat their vegetables?  I started feeding them veggies when they started eating baby food.  Start with veggies, not fruits!!  Give them water in their sippy cup, not juice!!  My siblings and I hated that our parents made us eat whole wheat bread and made us eat our veggies as kids.  But now as an adult, I am more grateful than ever to my parents for instilling eating healthy as much as we could.

I'm not suggesting that you start a raw diet or be a vegetarian, I am suggesting taking up better choices when preparing food or going out to eat.  You can also eat healthy on a budget.

I didn't mean to venture off my original thought, but I just write as I think.

We are what we eat!!  This could not be more true, and your body will prove it over time.
